Beginning of Spring and Cleansing

We are within the first month or so of spring. I do not know what everyone else’s favorite season is, but spring is definitely one of my favorite seasons of the whole year. There is just something amazing about spring. I do not know if it is because there is more sun or maybe the fact that winter is finally over. It is interesting to talk about the transition from winter to spring both physically and mentally. In winter it is like you carry everything heavy and spring is usually light. Winter this year has especially been hard on me. We do have to thank winter for making spring such a pleasant feeling. There is this quote by Anne Bradstreet that explains it so well. She says “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant.” So yeah, as much as we try to hate on winter and curse it… we thank it too because without it we probably would not have spring.

I think I really like spring because it represents something symbolic. It is like our soul and everything within us is cleansed. It is like what we call “spring cleaning.” We get rid of the things that are heavy and we throw away the old junk. I think that it is important to have spring because it is a lot like starting over. As much as we want to not do any spring cleaning, it is extremely helpful and therapeutic anyways. William Morris says “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” There is something so beautiful and rewarding about spring cleaning. The last thing is that there is always going to be spring no matter what. Welcome it with open arms. I know that there is so much more I can say, but I will stop there. I will conclude by posting one more quote… it’s one of my favorites by Pablo Neruda “You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.” So I advise my readers to accept spring. I hope that this poem puts you in a good mood. Happy spring and happy reading!!


Your beauty always comes from behind the clouds,
Like a halo of light that has saved me from the tears
That poured down like raindrops of winter. Crowds

Of flowers that bloom like there are no bad years
Or days coming ahead. Eyes that still watch over me.
Your sunshine that leads me straight to the stairs

Of heaven. Nobody could ever predict or foresee
How important you are to me and how everything
About you helped me grow. Petals that hold the key

To living life, we cannot always hang onto or cling
Onto what holds us back. Everything from the past
And those things that are heavy belong to be a fling

Or temporary. There is a lot of strength that will last
Forever. There is everything bad that will unroll.
Darling, you have turned me into an enthusiast

Of everything spring and light. I have a clean soul
That is ready for giving and receiving. Love that
Is ready to be accepted fully 100%. Every hole

That is ready to be fixed. Your words, no longer flat
Or falling on deaf ears. That ice smashed with a bat.

New Beginnings

I want to talk about a topic that has probably been on everybody’s mind (at some point or another) and that is new beginnings or fresh starts. Sometimes we all just need a redo or a refresh button (like we do on our computers) for our lives. It is a given that we all make mistakes and we are not always happy with how our lives are going. Sometimes that is what the new year is for, but this is not January. People always say that it is never too late to start over again. There is this quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald (people say it’s from the movie “A Curious Case of Benjamin Button) that I love so much. He says “For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.”

Another thing we must talk about (since we are talking about new beginnings) is endings. Sometimes you cannot start something new if you have not already ended something. On the other hand we have to realize that there is no ending (never ending). So I hope that we can all learn to refresh, reset or end something because in fact, all of that takes courage and strength. On the other hand, none of that may be okay with other people, but it is whatever. This is our life and we can do whatever we want with it, even if it means starting all over again. We all need a new beginning (or at least to have the choice), a reset button, and a change of scenery (especially if we have been stuck in the same place).

Reset Button

I wish that we could all have

A reset button. A redo

Button to undo everything.

Every mistake, every memory,

But then life would be perfect.

There would be no faults, no

Cracks, and no imperfections.

That may be okay for some

People, but not for everybody.


Change of Scenery

It’s time to change scenery.

Life can get boring and tiring.

Life can get chaotic and lonely.

I want to pack bags and travel

The anywhere and everywhere

In the world. Life can get

Mundane and dull.

The world is mean to be

Explored and enjoyed.

Find something to be

Passionate about. Life isn’t

Always about putting down

Roots in one place. Home isn’t

Where you’re from, it’s about

Finding a place where you

Finally feel happy and where

You find peace and excitement.

Life isn’t always about pain

And sadness. It’s about

Dealing with it and enjoying

The scenery. It’s about looking

At the world around you.

It’s about looking at yourself and

Being able to breathe.