Change and Shift In Direction

I know I have talked a lot about changes and making changes so sorry if some of this sounds like I am repeating myself, but I am going to also be talking about something a little different. We all go through changes, some major and some minor. Those changes take our lives in a different direction sometimes. That leads me into a quote I have come to love a lot. “In the waves of change we find our true direction.” It is a great quote because when we make changes it gets us closer to the direction in which we are meant to go in. In fact, I am going through a major change this year and it should take me in the right direction. I will not dive too much into detail since the major change is still in process, but maybe once it happens I will share with my readers some day.

Anyways, I found another quote that I also really love by Bryant McGill. He says “The tides of change have great purpose in life.” In other words, changes do have a purpose or meaning in our lives. They mean something. There can also be a change in the destination. So all of this is to say that you should embrace every change and shift in direction because although you may not always know where you will end up you will still go somewhere.

Honestly it is good to make changes especially BIG ones. That leads me to the last quote for this post by Dave Cornthwaite. He says “If you’re feeling like you need a big change in your life just start saying yes more and new things start to happen.” So in other words, say yes to change instead of saying no. I know change is scary, but sometimes we need to shake things up and break away from the same old things. So in conclusion, I strongly encourage my readers to make that change, whether it is big or small. In the end, that change will be worth it. I hope that my readers enjoy my poem!!

Making a Change

Something within my heart led me
Towards you and you embraced all
Of me as the fractured pieces were
Finally beginning to come together.

As I set sail something in the sea’s
Waves and tides changed. The wall
Fell. A different direction spurred
Me forward toward a new weather

Pattern that began to emerge. I was
Leaving behind fog, heartbreak and
Grey skies. Up ahead was sunshine.
I outdistanced the old me by miles

And miles. It was simply because
I never had the courage to stand
There, unable to draw a new line.
I had the same old and fake smiles

Day after day, but you must have
Seen something in me because you
Told me to say yes to the change in
In my heart even as it led me down

Another path, creating utter havoc
Along the highway. It might be too
Tricky someday, but under my skin
My soul is telling me to leave town

And one of the biggest changes of
All is finding another place to love.