Breaking Free

I know I have talked about in great length about being your own normal, etc. This subject matter is something extremely close to my heart. Some people live in between the lines and follow the rules. That is okay if you want to be boring and just like everyone else. It is alright to color outside of the lines and live outside of the box. That simply may mean to break rules. There is this saying that goes something like rules are meant to be broken. Besides that is what makes life more fun and interesting. Make and break the rules all you want to because nobody can stop you. You sometimes do have to know the rules before you break them. The Dalai Llama says it the best way. “Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.” I want everyone to take that to heart because there are effective ways to break the rules once you know them.

I have always looked up to my mom because she has always been the rebel of the family. It reminds me of this quote by Thomas Jefferson that is on a shirt I got once upon a time. “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.” My goodness, I could not agree more! Rebellion shows that we do not always like the norm. My mom certainly is not a part of the norm and that is how I want to be too. Be crazy, wild, and spontaneous. Rebel and protest against something you do not believe in. Sometimes the best things come out of rebellion and protest.

Things become a little more tricky in regards to religion and politics. I will talk about it a little here since I have been around it, especially politics. I have not really been around religion because my parents do not practice, but my mom’s family used to be a part of the church. My mom made the decision to not be a part of the church and that is how she showed her rebellion. There is so much to be said about rebellion, etc. One of the best quotes I came across in my search comes from Anthony Anaxagorou who says “Rebellion is when you look society in the face and say I understand who you want me to be but I’m going to show you who I actually am.” Anyways, that is just a little snippet.

Politics, I can go on and on about, but one thing I want to state is that politics is all about rebelling, especially with a lot of the things going on with the Trump administration. There were many great signs at the women’s march back in January, but one of my favorite’s was “A woman’s place is in the resistance,” which is a take on Princess Leia in Star Wars. So go break rules and live your life away from rules society makes. Happy reading and “May the force be with you!!” And this poem that I am sharing with you today won runner up for a competition I participated in on DUP.

Breaking Free From The Rules of Society

Darling, I am a rebel who is breaking all of the rules.
Punish me all you want to, but I do not want to be
Like everyone else. I do not care if we act like fools.

I just want to feel the wind in my hair and be free
Like wild animals that roam this earth. I want to
Embody spirits who float. I want to be beastly,

Not caring if I look pretty or not. I envy this blue
Sky, carefree and like the calm waters after a storm.
Be like thunder and lightening because you do

Not have to be quiet. Be passionate, fiery and warm
In a world that can be too cold or stiff. You make
Your own rules as you follow your own road. Form

Your own thoughts and beliefs. Never let people take
Their version of God to shove it down your throat
Because there is no room to be insincere and fake.

P.S. I wanted to post this as close as I could to all of the student walk outs after the school shooting in Florida. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. And may we all find a way to stop these shootings once and for all. It all goes way beyond just thoughts and prayers. I was lucky enough to attend the March For Our Lives Rally in Downtown Oakland. And because of that I am including another poem I wrote.

Stop the Mass Shootings

Lay down every single weapon and gun.
Nobody needs to get hurt or murdered
In cold blood again. You think that the sun
Light feels bad, but it is the un-nurtured
Hate that is much stronger. How can you
Ever prey on innocent children, people
And bystanders? Nobody can feel too
Safe, even in a church, school, steeple
And at a concert we can no longer feel
Protected. Too many innocent lives
At risk. Even the place where we kneel
In protest should be defended. The knifes
Should not stab us in the back anymore.
We are all equals and an end to this war.