Safe Haven

I was just thinking about the places we all go to when we need a breather or a break from the rest of this world and I am wanting to call this place our “safe haven” (some other people may call it a sanctuary). For me, my safe haven is my writing of poetry because that is where there is no judgement and I can be myself there. Furthermore, I personally think that I have more than one safe haven including acting, etc. For other people it might be reading a book (I like doing that too) or doing yoga or something that is relaxing and safe. There is craziness in this world (and sometimes there is lots of it) so we need to find a place where we are completely safe and sane. When you look it up in the dictionary, it is almost exactly that (slightly different definition, but not by that much).

In some cases a safe haven could be a person. You feel completely at home with that person and they make you feel safe no matter what. More importantly it is a place where your heart is completely safe in the hands of another person (or activity/hobby). There is a wond I found for it (a new word I discoverd) called “querencia (n) [which is] a place from which one’s strength is drawn, where one feels most at home. The place where you are your most authentic self.” So in this world filled with craziness like wars, battles, deaths, and darkness, I hope that each one of us find our save haven because we so desperately need one (or two or three or many more than just one). I am going to leave everybody with a quote I found. I am not a huge religious person, but I found comfort in this quote by Joseph B. Wirthlin in his work titled “Safe Harbor.” I hope that people come to understand and interpret this quote (just like my following poem) in any way that they like. It coincidently coincides with one of my previous posts about storms. “Be assured that there is a safe harbor. You can find peace amidst the storms that threaten you.” I hope that you enjoy that quote and the following poem. Happy reading!!

Safe Haven

Give me a place to hide

When I do not feel like

Facing the world.

Life is tough, but it

Does not always have

To be that way.

Give me a place for

Kind and silent words.

Give me a place where

My heart and mind

Are safe. Give me a place

To protect myself from

Sadness and heartbreak.

Give me a place to hide

All the bad things

And all of my demons.

This is my safe haven.

This is my

Restorative justice.

This is a place of

No judgment.

This is my peace

And quiet.

This is my safe haven.

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I was born and raised in the Bay Area. Growing up, I went to Berkeley public schools up until I left California to attend McDaniel College, located in Westminster, MD. I graduated from McDaniel College with a B.A. in Theatre Arts with a focus in Acting.

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