No Assumptions and No Judgements

Hey everybody, I know that it has been a while. I am forever thankful for my parents for instilling in us (as children) valuable lessons and things to always remember. One of the things my parents have taught me (and I am sure most of your parents’ have talked to you about this too). That is to never judge or make assumptions about people. I  know it is hard to do that (especially if those people treat you bad). However if you really sit and think about it, people make judgments and assumptions about you too. What I am saying is that it goes both ways. So it should not matter about where we come from or what we look like or how we act. We all have bad days and sometimes because of that we treat other people (and ourselves) badly.

My point is to never judge anybody before you really get to know them. This goes out to all of the people who make assumptions and judgments about me because they do not know the real me. They think they do, but they do not know my story. I dislike people who think I am better than them just because I am white and come from a middle class family. So what? I do not try to judge other people because their story and background is different than mine. We all are on different paths and journeys in life. That is just the way it is. The last thing I want to do is to look down upon anybody. That is not my job. I have been thinking about this topic, partially because Demi talks about it in her book.

I am not saying that there are days where I do not do it, but I try my best. I just hope everybody else (including you, my readers) to do the same. This is my way of getting onto the same level as everybody else, including some of those people who treat me like I am something special all the time when I know I am not. I know that is a harsh thing to say but I am tired of people treating me like I am something that should not get broken when I know I am far from perfect. So thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson and for treating me like I actually mean something to you, but enough is enough. This is for you! Friends, ex lovers, current lovers and everybody else: you are never alone.

No Assumptions

You put me up high on

A pedestal so you cannot reach me

Like I am a delicate China doll

Or a valuable piece of art.

I wish you could see

It in your heart that we are

On the same level. Although

I may seem beautiful, amazing

And flawless I am not.

Just because I may

Come from a “privileged”

Background with everything

Provided for me like a roof

Over my head and food on

The table does not mean

I am not like you. Although

We have different skin colors

And different ways of living,

Deep down we are more similar

Than you realized. Although

You think highly of me and that

I’m too “good” for you to be

With you, then you are wrong.

It does not matter that you are

Working a minimum wage job.

I am trying to juggle

As I struggle just like you

To make it through life.

Although you may think my life

Is good, it is not always as grand

As you make it out to be.

You may say my parents are

Supportive and I am lucky to be

Living at home. It is not to say

I am spoiled or live in a mansion.

It is because it is hard

Living on my own

With no job. It is because

The rent is through the roof.

I am figuring out the rest

Of my life just like you.

Let us keep our promise

Of no judgment and let me

Decide for myself if I should

Be around. I am never the one

To judge and make assumptions,

So I hope that you do the same.

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I was born and raised in the Bay Area. Growing up, I went to Berkeley public schools up until I left California to attend McDaniel College, located in Westminster, MD. I graduated from McDaniel College with a B.A. in Theatre Arts with a focus in Acting.

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