Having a Kind Heart/Showing Kindness

I get it, we all have days where ugliness/meanness rears its head and sometimes we are just mean to other people. I think in today’s world there a far fewer days where we are kind towards each other. Ellen DeGeneres always says (at the end of her show) to be kind to one another. Why do we have to be kind towards one another? Honestly, a lot of the time it is easier to be kind to another. In fact, it should be one of the simplest things in this big world. Think about it…What feels and looks better, being kind towards someone else or saying something unkind. Besides, it does not feel good and takes up a lot of negative energy. Yeah, I know that some people do not deserve kindness, (in fact there could be a lot of people out there in the world like that) but they might just be having a terrible day or need someone to say something nice or for someone to smile at them.

Whenever we have our bad days sometimes we take it out on other people and I know that is not right, but sometimes that is the only way we know how to deal/cope with it. Try doing or saying at least one kind/nice thing day each day. I know it may seem challenging/daunting, but at least give it a try. I challenge each and every one of my readers plus everybody else out there to be much nicer. We all deserve kindness, regardless if we think we deserve it or not.

If you are naturally a kind person, do not let anybody else take that away from you. I naturally smile (it is a habit, maybe because I do it a lot, sometimes that helps me cope with something terrible) and people always wonder why I do. I do not know, but I should not let that be taken away from me. I always try to be nice to other people (partially because my parents raised me that way), but because it is who I am. Kindness goes hand in hand with being compassionate. It seems like such a strong word and it is. This world needs way more compassion too. So I encourage everybody to show compassion and kindness. We all need more of it.

I will finish this post by including a quote right here (there is also a poem to follow this quote) all about compassion and why we need it. There are so many good quotes about this topic, but this is by far one of the best ones I have found. This quote is said by L.R. Knost. He says the following “It’s not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It’s our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.” We have to show kindness, not only for ourselves but for every kid because we need to be really good role models. And like I have said before, here is my poem about showing some kindness.

Show Kindness

This big world is far too cruel for

Mean words and unkind actions. Keep

Your heart open to kindness before


You become too hard. Let is all seep

Into your bones to smile and laugh

When we all have bad days. A deep


Connection is craved. Avoid the half

Truths and pretend smiles. Be real.

Be honest. Keep a faded old photograph


In your pocket. Never let anyone steal

Your happiness and faith. Do not let

The rest of the world tell you what to feel.


Even the small things you worry and fret

About are out of your control. Never wait

For things, both big and small that have


Yet to happen. Never let fear, obstacles or hate

Get in your way. You are meant to be wild,

Silly, crazy, goofy and without the weight


On your shoulders. Never be tame or mild.

Be reckless, be bold and be brave. Keep

Them wondering why you always smiled.

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I was born and raised in the Bay Area. Growing up, I went to Berkeley public schools up until I left California to attend McDaniel College, located in Westminster, MD. I graduated from McDaniel College with a B.A. in Theatre Arts with a focus in Acting.

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