Wrong Place, Wrong Time

I want to start off by saying some of this may sound like a repeat. Time is a precious thing in life. We either cherish it or we worry about it. Sometimes time goes by quickly. In life there is such a thing as wrong place and wrong time. Some people point out to me that with the right person there is such a thing as right place and right time. That brings me to a quote by Kabir Bedi who says “Everything has a place and time.” That is so very true. With the wrong person there is such a thing as wrong place and wrong time. That is also very true.

There is this expression/quote that says you meet the right person at the wrong time or you meet the wrong person at the right time. I think that is what a lot of people say, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. I am beginning to think that is wrong as well. That brings me to a quote that says, “The right person at the wrong time is still the wrong person.” In other words it does not matter if it is the right or wrong time that person is STILL the wrong person and deep down you will simply know without a doubt if they are the right or wrong person. Sometimes it is a human tendency to fall in love with the wrong person, but I am not going to get too much into those details right now. It is just how life works sometimes.

Wrong place, wrong time also has a lot do with certain situations besides love. We make a lot of wrong turns sometimes and those wrong turns can either lead somewhere where we are meant to be or it can just make us turn in a different direction. Like I said before, there is no such thing as wrong place and wrong time as Shashi Tharoor says, “There is not a thing such as the wrong place, or the wrong time. We are where we are at the only time we have. Perhaps it’s where we are meant to be.” In other words, there is no such thing as wrong place, wrong time because we are exactly where we are meant to be. Anyways, this is a topic we can talk about for days and days, but I am going to stop right here because this is the right time to do so. I hope you enjoy this poem, which won 1st place in the “Wrong Place; Wrong Time competition on DUP.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

It was fate when you messaged me that night,
Catching up like we were old friends. We had
Not spoken since high school. Years later and
I would learn we were in the wrong place at
The completely wrong time.You were the light
At the end of the tunnel and made every bad
Day better. It was not until I held onto his hand
I knew you and I had soul ties, but I combatted

The feeling we were not compatible. We had to
Take many wrong turns before we finally made
The right turn, but it was the wrong turn too. No
Matter how many chances and opportunities we
Had we were knocking on the wrong doors. You
And I knew after that phone call we would fade
Into nothing, but the memories will always follow.
With you and I there was a love truly lost at sea

With no way to come back from the devastating
Or treacherous storm. Time will stop waiting.

Muse and Inspiration

One of the definitions that pops up in the dictionary for the word muse states that it is “a source of inspiration; especially :a guiding genius” (source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary).  So you now know what I am going to be talking about. Muses and inspiration, which is also something that can also motivate you too. What is your muse? What is your inspiration? Those are only a couple of the many questions people ask me, especially when they learn that I write and I have more than one answer for those questions. Sometimes I might say it would everyday life. I might say that a certain situation or place. Sometimes it could be something that could have happened in the past. The list can go on and on. Sometimes my inspiration and muse can take shape. Furthermore, it can turn into a person or vice versa where the person shapes into inspiration. However you want to view that… go ahead. I am sure that everybody has someone or something that inspires them and is a muse. Being a muse dates back years and years. How do you think artists create what they create? There must have been someone to inspire Leonardo da Vinci to paint the Mona Lisa. Without a muse or inspiration there would be no art or music or anything else in this world that we view as art.

This is my opinion, but it feels like there are two different types of people in this world. This quote says it the best. “You’re either the Artist or the Muse. Each comes with its own set of complications; each with its own unwavering power.” There are artists and there are muses. Each one of these people comes with a power. For the artist, it is creating art and for the muse it is being the inspiration/motivation. Like I have said before a muse does not necessarily have to be another person. It could be an object or a major life event. In fact, it could be yourself. One of my favorite artists Friday Kahlo says it the best. “I am my own muse, I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to know better.” I do not know about other people who write or are other versions of artists, but sometimes a muse/inspiration can help my pieces improve drastically. It is because of that I want to take this moment to say thank you to those people, as well as situations and with everything else that been a part of my inspiration. This is for you, although we can also change it.

Muse as a Person

Time stood still when we are face to face.
It is not so much what you look like, but who
You are as a person. I want to continue to trace
Across your chest so I remember it is always you
Who inspires me. You are my muse and my one
True reality. You always feel like the starkness
When all I want is nothing more than to run
Far away from the shadows and the darkness.
You always lift me up and you motivate me
To be a better person. You push me hard
To follow my dreams and aspirations. You see
That I would do the same for you. As scarred
As we might be, we are invincible. The dark
Corners of my mind and the doubts that are
Floating around turn into a beautiful lark,
Flying. Darling, their raw beauty does not mar
Or become ugly like weeds. You somehow
Have that power to turn the wordsmith
Part of me into a songstress and plough
Through the bad days. Your love is no myth